Rolha Capoeira

2 minute read

Professora Borboleta of Fort Worth Capoeira Regional recently traveled to an event in Oakland, CA with her authentic samba de roda clothes, hand made in Bahia, Brazil. Unfortunately, the clothes did not make the return trip with her back to Fort Worth, Texas: they were stolen right from the car they were placed in. In a new GoFundMe campaign, she describes the ordeal and asks the capoeira community for help in replacing these special items that took years to collect.

Rolha Capoeira

9 minute read

*Editors note: For our first entry in the Voices column, Capoeira News Online is grateful to share an inspiring piece written by Mestre Maxwel, president and founder of the Ilê Cultural Foundation and the Tributo aos Mestres project. Maxwel was sure to point out that Mestre Glauber was also instrumental in making this project a reality, as you’ll read below.*

Rolha Capoeira

2 minute read

Graduado Chris of Ginga Mundo Capoeira of Brooklyn, New York reached out to Capoeira News Online to let us know about his recent contribution for the Huffington Post. In the article, Chris does a great job speaking for the history, philosophy, and appeal of capoeira for the general audience and encourages both kids and adults to check out the art at Ginga Mundo’s batizado this weekend.