“During the month of February, the audience was entertained as well as challenged with presentations from Capoeira Brasil Hartford and Quinnipiac professor, Dr. Khalilah Brown-Dean.”
“During the month of February, the audience was entertained as well as challenged with presentations from Capoeira Brasil Hartford and Quinnipiac professor, Dr. Khalilah Brown-Dean.”
“Everything from Carnival to government ceremonies in Bahia honors Salvador’s African spirit. The city’s motto, terra da alegría (land of happiness), stems from its proud African history, music, and culture of resilience. Yet despite the capital’s black majority, the political and media powers of Bahia remain in the hands of the white elite. The imbalance and exclusion have led to festering social issues in the city.”
“Dandara is capoeira. You move swiftly and decisively, almost instantaneously leaping from wall to wall. Your enemies target where you are, and as soon as they commit, you are no longer there, like the ginga, the fundamental zig-zag step of capoeira that threw off the aim of enemies with (single shot) firearms.”
“The organization and the events we’ve had really make me feel like at home,” Perez said. “There is also misconception about Latino culture. There is a lot of diversity in the state of Iowa, but the diversity is not present. I just want to make that happen.”
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