Capoeira Brasil NY’s Professora Joy was recently featured in a video by the social media platform GirlGameChanger. Their mission statement from
By creating a platform and community to amplify women’s voices & highlight our assets, we create a universal home to harness change via story. From how to bake a pie, to how to trim a tree, to how to craft your personal narrative, to how to do a headstand, to which coding class would work best for your needs, to…
There are few people in capoeira today as revered as Mestre Suassuna, innovator and founder of Capoeira Cordão de Ouro.
Brooklyn, New York’s Capoeira Guanabara recently hosted its annual “rodathon” fundraiser for its batizado, apparently to great success, as shown in a “thank you” video posted to YouTube by user turgger316. The event took place at Prospect Park’s Grand Army Plaza on May 15, 2016 and according to the video, helped raise over $1800. The group’s capoeiristas were individually sponsored with donations made in cash or via PayPal.