

1 minute read

“[Darack Nanto] still does it because, even though it originated in Brazil, it has strong roots in Africa. ‘I felt like that was part of my heritage… I really like all of the stories around it. There is a lot of wisdom in stories around it. Even the songs we sing … That is what drew me to it.‘”


1 minute read

“the legends about Dandara dos Palmares say that she was skilled at capoeira, and [the game character] Dandara’s dance-like/gracious movements, like entering the doors, are heavily influenced by this idea. Also it’s one of the influences for her design (pants, barefoot, etc). And those also helped us to convey the idea of the humility and humbleness of her character.”


1 minute read

“I am maintaining my vision that includes using Capoeira as a tool to encourage positive self-awareness and lifestyle choices.”


1 minute read

“…everyone at Camara Capoeira Cork was delighted to hear that our teacher, Profesor Curioso, is to receive a Cork Indoor Sports Association Award.”