Graduado Chris of Ginga Mundo Capoeira of Brooklyn, New York reached out to Capoeira News Online to let us know about his recent contribution for the Huffington Post. In the article, Chris does a great job speaking for the history, philosophy, and appeal of capoeira for the general audience and encourages both kids and adults to check out the art at Ginga Mundo’s batizado this weekend.
Graduado Chris for the Huffington Post: > A Batizado is a traditional Capoeira event where new players are initiated and Capoeiristas advance in rank. At a typical Batizado world-class professional Capoeiristas from all over the city and the world come to help initiate new players, play each other, and to perform for the audience. Capoeira in that sphere is like a combination of Carnival, Cirque du Soleil and a back-alley favela street-fight. It is truly a sight to behold. And a Batizado is the place to witness it.
The article also graciously draws attention to hosts Professor Boca do Mundo and Monitor Pena Verde, Mestre Sabiá, and special guests Professora Pimentinha and Professor Chipa.
Read the full article, Experience the Thrill and Magic of the Brazilian Martial Art Capoeira at the Ginga Mundo Group Batizado October 13, 14 and 15 in New York City.
For more information on Ginga Mundo Capoeira, check out their official website and Facebook group.
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